MU College Democrats
Political Issues

Below you'll find links to issues that our members care about

Save the Supreme Court from George W. Bush's right wing, conservative appointees.  Sign the Petition to keep them from getting approved!

We're all familiar with the Senator Joseph McCarthy and how he created hysteria of accusing people of being a communist during the 1950's. He ruined lives and created unjust suspicions. Unfortunately this phenomenon is once again sweeping our nation but with a slightly different twist.

    Our leaders of our country are allowing our civil liberties to be taken away. The more liberal you, the more likely you are to be accused of being sympathetic to terrorists.  If you want to find out more about this new McCarthyism sweeping our nation then check out this site.  Its The Progressive, a liberal magazine that has done a lot of articles on the New McCarthyism.

Below is links to information on the sancations being lifted from Iraq and on the delay the US government is taking on creating a new government. 
Read more on what the lifting of sanctions means
Also EPIC (education for peace in Iraq center) is working with Amnesty International, OxFam, and Voices in the Wilderness will be monitoring the occupation of Iraq, the reconstruction of Iraq, and the political transition.As long as Iraqi soil is occupied by a foreign military presence, the Iraqi people are not free.Help ensure peace and security and support democracy in Iraq by attending EPIC's 2003 Iraq Forum and Lobby Days from June 14-17 in Washington DC. Join policy experts, human rights advocates, concerned citizens and activists in learning more about the post-war situation in Iraq and how you can work to improve it.
Visit our website at for more information.
The above links and information was provided by EPIC.
Education for Peace in Iraq Center
1101 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington DC 20003
Tel. 202.543.6176 - Fax 202.543.0725

If you have any links you would like posted here please contact Bonnie:


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The links on this page are here to provide information on political issues that some of the members of the MU College Democrats care about.  The links/views expressed on this page do not necessarily represent the whole view of the club.  They are to provide you the reader with information.